Faith Assembly of God
5112 Lafayette Rd., Elk Run Heights, Iowa

Pastor: Joe Smith and wife, Marcella
Associate Pastor: Jordan Greco
and wife, Calenne
We are an established, culturally diverse, multi-generational
church. We are seeking to know God through worship, prayer,
and connection through small groups, youth and children's ministries.
Wednesday nights
5:45 Dinner on a donation basis
6:15 Classes for all ages
Adult Small Group
Women's Ministry

Children's classes for
ages PreK - 5th grade

Youth ages 6th - 12th grades

Contact information
Faith Assembly of God Church
5112 Lafayette Rd.
Elk Run Heights IA 50707
Pastor: Joe Smith
Associate Pastor: Jordan Greco
Church office: 319-235-1029
Church email:
Website: faithassemblyerh.com
Check us out on Facebook:
Faith Assembly of God in Elk Run Heights